- Overview
- Benefits
- Terms & Conditions

Vitality Benefit: Health Rewards
Health Rewards offers you additional benefits such as upgrade to your room and board limit, cover your deductible/co-takaful amount and/or increasing the amount in your Health Wallet every year. No additional contribution is required.
Terms & Conditions
- A-Plus Health Flex-i an optional add-on benefit ("rider") that you can attach to a regular contribution Family Takaful plan.
- This rider covers up to age 70 or 80 with automatic extension to 100, depending on the basic plan it is attached to.
- Total benefits payable for medical treatment are subject to your annual limit.
- There is no lifetime limit for A-Plus Health Flex-i. You also need not worry if you exceed your annual limit, as it will be reset every year during the coverage term.
- AIA PUBLIC Takaful will only pay the eligible medical expenses up to an amount we consider is reasonable and customary, provided that the medical care is medically necessary.
- A-Plus Health Flex-i provides worldwide coverage. However, if you are residing or travelling outside of Malaysia for more than 90 consecutive days, you will not be covered for any medical treatment received overseas (except for Singapore and Brunei). Please note that the overseas coverage will be in accordance with the Reasonable and Customary and Medically Necessary Charges for such equivalent local treatment in Malaysia.
- If you select the RM500 or RM20,000 deductible option, you will need to pay for the first RM500 or RM20,000 incurred while we will take care of the balance of the eligible expenses.
- If you select 20% Co-Takaful, you will have to bear 20% of the eligible expenses subject to a maximum of RM3,000 per disability.
- As the Tabarru' is deducted depending on your attained age, it will increase as your age increases.
- The Tabarru' rates for this plan are not guaranteed and AIA PUBLIC Takaful reserves the right to revise the Tabarru' rates by giving you a 30-day written notice.
- The contribution made for this plan may qualify you for a personal tax relief, subject to the final decision of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.
- You will have to serve a waiting period before you can make any claims under this rider except for a covered injury. Different waiting periods shall apply for different benefits.
- The information above is not exhaustive. It is recommended that you request for a copy of the Product Illustration and Product Disclosure Sheet to know more about this product. For a detailed explanation of its benefits, exclusions, terms and conditions, please refer to the Takaful Certificate.