Medical Protection

A-Life Mediflex-i

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Life Planner

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A-Life Mediflex-i

A flexible and cost-effective medical solution that promotes healthy lifestyle, provides complete medical protection and prioritizes your recuperation.

Coverage Period
Up to 100 years old
Entry Age
14 days - 70 years old


Takaful Lingo Explained

"Deductible" is the in-patient care expenses you have to pay and your medical plan will cover for the remaining eligible medical expenses.

“Co-Takaful" is your share of the costs of a health care service which is usually a percentage of the eligible in-patient care expenses, and your medical plan will cover for the remaining eligible medical expenses.

This is the maximum claimable amount throughout your lifetime, which you may normally find in a medical plan.

This is the maximum amount an Takaful Operator will pay in a year for a medical plan.

Terms & Conditions

Member of PIDM

The benefit(s) payable under eligible product is protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact AIA or PIDM.

Recommendation Prompt
Recommendation Prompt


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