- Overview
- Benefits
- Terms & Conditions
- Additional Protection

Health Rewards with AIA Vitality
With AIA Vitality, you may enjoy additional Health Rewards when A-Plus Health Flex-i is attached, depending on your AIA Vitality Status:
• Hospital Room and Board Benefit upgrade – up to an additional 100% of the benefit amount
• Cover Deductible/Co-Takaful Amount - up to RM500 will be waived per disability
• Annual Health Wallet Booster – up to an additional 10% of the amount in Health Wallet
Health Rewards is subject to your AIA Vitality status.
Terms & Conditions
- Depending on the expiry age that you select, this plan covers up to age 70 or 80 with automatic extension up to age 100. Accidental Death and TPD coverage is up to age 70.
- For Death and Accidental Death that happens before birth or up to 30 days from birth, only the total Contribution that have been paid excluding any A-Plus Saver-i and Ad Hoc Top Up or the account value of Participant’s Account Fund (PAF), whichever is higher, plus the account value of Participant’s Investment Fund (PIF) shall be payable. No benefit will be payable for TPD that occurs up to 30 days from birth.
- Tabarru' for this plan is not guaranteed and AIA PUBLIC Takaful reserves the right to revise the Tabarru' by giving you 3 months' prior written notice.
- Contribution payment can be made annually, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.
- This Takaful plan will not provide benefit from Participants' Risk Fund (PRF) upon termination or expiry of the Takaful certificate.
- You should ensure that important information regarding this plan is disclosed to you and you understand the information disclosed. If there is ambiguity, you should seek clarification from the Takaful Operator.
- Please refer to the Product Illustration for benefits under this plan.
- In the event of non-payment of your contribution, your certificate will remain in-force as long as your Account Value in the Participant's Account Fund (PAF) is sufficient to cover the relevant charges, including Tabarru'. If any contribution is unpaid and the Account Value of PAF becomes insufficient to cover the relevant certificate charges, your certificate shall lapse after the grace period.
- The Badal Hajj benefit is only applicable for Muslims aged sixteen (16) and above. If the Person Covered is a non-Muslim or is below the age of sixteen (16) at time of death, this benefit will instead be payable as funeral expense benefit.
- The Takaful Operator will pay your portion of the surplus to a charity organisation chosen by the Takaful Operator if you opt to have any surplus attributable to be donated to charity. You can opt out from the surplus donation at any time by notifying the Takaful Operator. Please take note that you will not be provided any receipts for your donations.
- The information above is not exhaustive. It is recommended that you request for a copy of the Product Illustration and Product Disclosure Sheet to know more about this product. For a detailed explanation of its benefits, exclusions, terms and conditions, please refer to the Takaful certificate.
- The contribution made for this plan may qualify you for a personal tax relief, subject to the final decision of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.
- Please note that contributions paid by business organisations are subject to the applicable tax imposed by the Government of Malaysia at the prevailing rate.