
Member Testimonials

Tan Jit Seng

Health on Track!

15 May 2021
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Tan Jit Seng has always known the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly. Before joining AIA Vitality, he was already keeping track of his weight, but he felt his fitness condition had plateaued. What he needed was more motivation and a tool to boost his regime, says the 50-year-old.

And so two years ago, Tan, who enrolled into AIA Vitality through his organisation’s employee benefit scheme, decided to actively engage with AIA Vitality to help him stay on track. “I love food, and my usual favourites tend to be unhealthy choices so cholesterol was an issue for me. I was also on high blood medication,” says Tan.

When he joined the science-backed health programme, Tan’s Vitality Age was higher than his actual age. This, in addition to his initial reasons for joining, motivated him to change for the better.

He started running every morning before work to keep fit, stay focused and fresh at work. He believes this change in lifestyle has helped tremendously with his mental health as well. “I would do at least half an hour of running every day. When I first started, I was 82kg. Now I am 64kg – I’ve lost 18kg!” exclaims Tan. This way, Tan was also able to achieve his points and meet his weekly targets via the AIA Vitality Weekly Challenge app. He even managed to encourage a colleague to start running as well – the two are now running buddies who exercise together regularly.

More significant is that Tan is now taking a reduced dosage of medication for his high blood pressure, which he attributes has improved because of the running. With his weight at a healthy level and his improved fitness, the avid runner joined the Penang Bridge Half Marathon twice. “I finished in two hours and 10 minutes!” he proudly shares.

The programme has also helped him stay on top of his health. “Before AIA Vitality, I didn’t really do much – maybe a medical check-up once every year. Now, I am always on track with my health indicators thanks to AIA Vitality where I can check on my cholesterol, blood pressure and weight,” shares Tan.

Rewards like TGV Cinemas movie passes, Starbucks and Grab vouchers via the AIA Vitality Weekly Challenge app, sweeten Tan’s daily fitness regime. He also likes travelling so he looks forward to using the AirAsia flight discounts available to him as a member.

“I’d definitely recommend AIA Vitality to my colleagues who can benefit from better health, just like me, through the programme,” says Tan.

Want to keep track of your health like Tan? Log on to to find out how.

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