
Member Testimonials

Jess Leow

One Step at a Time

15 May 2021
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One of the biggest struggles for women after pregnancy is losing the extra weight gained. This was true for Jess Leow, who after giving birth to her first child, weighed about 70kgs – more than 20kgs on top of her pre-pregnancy weight.

Leow made a promise to change her lifestyle and was steadfast on returning to her former healthier self. Leow’s husband helped by signing her up for the AIA Vitality programme as a way of encouragement.

Admitting that she didn’t know where to start, Leow frequented the AIA Vitality website for tips and ideas. “The member portal helped me get started on my goal, as well as the monthly e-newsletter that was brimming with information and articles on healthy living from eating well to working out,” says Leow.

And so began a slowly-but-surely get-healthy regime... until Leow became pregnant the second time a few months into the programme. “I thought I couldn’t exercise as much during my pregnancy. However, my doctor told me otherwise and advised me to keep exercising,” says Leow.

She worked out a routine that was simple but just as effective as any exercise programme – doing household chores! “By doing my daily household chores, I was always on the move, which helped me hit my Weekly Challenge targets,” says Leow. On top of that, Leow also walked around a nearby playground twice daily.

The result of her diligence? Shedding a total of 21kgs off her second post-pregnancy weight, making her a healthy 49kgs now!

Leow also says her new lifestyle has brought the family closer together. “My husband and kids now accompany me on my walks in the playground. I spend more time with mother as well, doing physical activities together,” she says.

As an AIA Vitality member, she also enjoys 10% discount off fresh fruits and vegetables at Jaya Grocer – which has certainly helped put her nutrition intake back on track – which benefits both her and her family.

Looking for healthy living and more family bonding time? Find out how to get started making healthier choices at

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