
Member Testimonials

Ahmad Fuad Bin Jumaen

The Biggest Winner

15 May 2021
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Dropping a dramatic 16kgs, from 87kgs to a healthy 71kgs, unable to run even 1km to completing two half marathons within a year, Ahmad Fuad bin Jumaen has certainly come a long way… and has AIA Vitality to thank!

“I’ve not been able to bring my weight below 80kgs until I joined AIA Vitality and it has certainly motivated me to stay healthy. Before, I would find it tiring to exercise but now I’ve eased into jogging – something I’ve never enjoyed before,” says Ahmad Fuad.

Ahmad Fuad’s transformation began last September when he and his colleagues decided to start their own version of The Biggest Loser (the popular competition reality show where participants have to compete to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight). “One of the managers in my office was overweight so to support him, we decided to start this challenge and pool some prize money for the person who manages to lose the most weight,” says Ahmad Fuad.

While the prize money was an incentive, it was also the realization of the importance of a healthy lifestyle that really motivated him to take his challenge seriously. Ahmad Fuad has a family history of heart disease and diabetes. When it finally dawned on him that he needed to be healthy for his family, he decided to start practicing a healthy lifestyle for his wife and child – “My wife always wanted a husband with a six pack anyway!” he jokes.

Enjoying the Weekly Challenge rewards he got from AIA Vitality was certainly an added advantage. “AIA Vitality members get 10% off fresh fruits and vegetables at Jaya Grocer, which is good for my family. I can also redeem movie tickets from TGV Cinemas – my wife and I often go on movie dates as there’s a TGV Cinemas near our home. There was also that one time I won a bouquet of roses for my wife by simply achieving my Weekly Target. I don’t have to pay anything to enjoy these rewards; all I have to do is remain active and healthy,” says Ahmad Fuad.

The biggest reward is how much Ahmad Fuad has achieved in terms of his health. “I lost 16kg in three months. When I first started, my AIA Vitality age was 42. It is now 31, which is two years younger than my actual age. I am eating healthily and have managed to reduce my fat percentage. I’ve also completed two half marathons this year. I never liked going to the gym; now I’m all about body weight exercises and love obstacle challenges. I pay attention to my health and make it a point to do self-checks at home for high blood pressure, blood sugar and BMI,” says Ahmad Fuad.

The transformation Ahmad Fuad has experienced with the programme has led him to encourage those around him to sign up for AIA Vitality too. “It’s effective, you get great rewards, and the results are amazing,” he says.

Want to be the Biggest Winner like Ahmad Fuad? Find out how at

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